Research & Scholarship Awards
ICPS Humanbecoming Research Award: now The Parsesciencing Inquiries Award
As of 2024, The ICPS Humanbecoming Research Award has been renamed and will now be known as The ICPS Parsesciencing Inquiries Reward. This award will still be offered annually. See 'click here for more information' below for award information.
ICPS Humanbecoming Research Award Recipients
2009 - Feeling Joyful: A Parse Method Study
Carolyn Plummer, Jane Hollett, & Donna Sherman
University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2010 - Searching for an Answer
Deborah C. Letcher
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA
2011- The Lived Experience of Feeling Playful
Kathy Knitig
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA
2012- Living Experience of Feeling Unsure
Nuno Miguel Dias Pereira
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
2020-The Living Experience of Feeling Betrayed: A Parsesciencing Inquiry
Edwin-Nikko R. Kabigting
Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
2021-Feeling Trusted A Parsesciencing Inquiry
Mi Jin Doe
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA
2024 Feeling Content: A Parsesciencing Inquiry
Christopher J. Norman
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA
ICPS Parsesciencing Inquiry Award Recipients
The Parsesciencing Inquiries Award Guidelines and Criteria (Application Date: January 1st of each year)
NEW: The Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Scholarship Award
The ICPS created this new award to honor the remarkable legacy of Dr. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse's continuing contributions to the discipline of nursing. Nurse theorist and scholar, she originated the humanbecoming paradigm.
Purpose of the award: To advance the humanbecoming paradigm.
Value: $2,000.00 (plus one free ICPS biennial conference registration. This award will be awarded biennially in conjunction with the ICPS biennial conference.
Applications must be received by January 1st of the year of the ICPS Biennial Conference on Humanbecoming. Next conference is November 2025.
The Lise Perrault Memorial Scholarship-Retired 2024
Lise Perrault was a nurse committed to the humanbecoming school of thought. In her memory, members of the International Consortium of Parse Scholars in Ottawa, Canada created a scholarship. The monies from this scholarship fund were used to support students in attending the Biennial International Conference on Humanbecoming. The winner receivde free registration as well as a $500.00 stipend to support the cost of attending the conference. In honor of Lise's commitment to nursing and the humanbecoming paradigm those students who share her values were encouraged to apply for this scholarship.
Lise Perrault Scholarship Awardees
2016 Melissa Labrie
2018 Edwin-Nikko R. Kabigting
2020 Amal W. Alanizi
2023 Christopher Norman