The International Consortium of Parse Scholars (ICPS) is a network of nurses committed to the advancement of nursing as a unique discipline concerned with human dignity and living quality. ICPS contributes to the living quality of humankind through sciencing and living the art of humanbecoming.
To establish and sustain an active network of nurses and others committed to sciencing and living the art of Parse's humanbecoming paradigm.
To provide forums for advancing Parse's humanbecoming paradigm.
To advance the sciencing of humanbecoming paradigm through the presentation and publication of work related to philosophy nursing theory-guided education, administration, practice, regulation, and research
Biennial weekend seminars: An opportunity to network, relax, and learn about the humanbecoming paradigm.
Illuminations is our bi-annual newsletter: An opportunity to keep up to date with happenings around the world in relation to Parse's humanbecoming paradigm regarding sciencing and living the art.
An opportunity to participate in wonderful projects as yet to be created.
Founding members
William K. Cody, RN; PhD
Christine Jonas-Simpson, RN; PhD
Patricia S. Lyon, RN; MSc
Gail J. Mitchell, RN; PhD
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, RN; PhD; FAAN
F. Beryl Pilkington, RN; PhD
Incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation as of October 7, 2022